The Guide Right Centennial Committee’s goal for 2022 is to provide room, board, meals, and activity coverage for every Kappa Leaguer attending the Centennial Celebration, as well as leave a legacy for current and future programs. The ‘Build a Legacy’ campaign will begin on December 15, 2021. Your generous donations will continue to assist those youth in answering that momentous question.
Your donation of $250 or more will be immortalized with a commemorative brick which will be installed in the newly commissioned Centennial Plaza in St. Louis, Missouri, the Birthplace of Guide Right. Donors will have the opportunity to honor past and present Guide Right students, mentors, and/or supporters of the Guide Right Movement. Please see below for donation levels and details on inscriptions.
Donation Levels
(If you wish to donate on the Guide Right Legends Bench level, please contact Brother Samuel G. Boyd III directly.)
Movement Supporter
Guide Right Movement Builder
- 3 lines of inscription (20 characters per line)
- 4” x 8” finished ‘red’ brick
Legacy Builder
- 6 lines of inscription (20 characters per line)
- 8” x 8” finished ‘red’ brick
- Guide Right Centennial Gift
- Souvenir Brick
Guide Right Legends Bench (4)
Jay Crosby
Jay Mel L. Davis
Leon W. Steward
Bert V. Wadkins
- 6 lines of inscription (44 characters per line)
- 14” x 43” x 17” bench
- Guide Right Centennial Gift
- Souvenir Brick
- Co-branding on all Centennial advertisements and promotion
Friend of the Movement
Please fill out the following donation form.
Donations are accepted via cash, check, or credit/debit card. A 4% service charge will be assessed for processing on all card transactions. *Donations are tax-deductible and accepted via cash, check, or credit/debit card.
Make checks payable to:
Richardson Plano Guide Right Foundation
Mail to:
Richardson/Plano Guide Right Foundation
c/o Legacy Campaign
PO Box 701831
Dallas, TX 75370
Phone: (214)223-8367
Richardson Plano Guide Right Foundation was incorporated in April of 1999, in the great State of Texas to engage in charitable activities and extend financial aid through grants, gifts, contributions, or aid or assistance to qualified individuals as an exempt organization under section (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.